Reasons to Gift Yourself Estate Planning This Holiday Season
Right now, you’re probably thinking about sparkly gift wrap, frosted Christmas cookies, and upcoming family plans. Maybe you’ve thought about treating yourself to something special this year, too. There’s nothing wrong with a new ugly sweater, but why not opt for something more lasting?
Few people want to think about end-of-life planning during Christmas. For many, last wills and testaments are the antitheses of “the holiday spirit.” The idea of writing up a will can even seem like bad luck. However, you might be surprised by the benefits of gifting yourself estate planning. As soon as you sit down with our lawyers at Atkinson Law, you’ll feel at ease and comfortable. In the long run, you'll be glad you entrusted your estate plan to a professional. It might even provide you with a newfound appreciation of life.
By planning ahead, you can save yourself time later and make sure your wishes are clear. The following are some additional reasons why you should make this a special gift for yourself.
Why Should You Gift Yourself Estate Planning This Year?
Make an Investment in Your Future
You’ve spent your life working hard to build up assets and maintain your home or business. Ultimately, you should be the one to decide who should receive your assets and belongings. Without an estate plan, the choice will be taken away from you. Your family and loved ones may have to deal with long and drawn-out legal proceedings. By making a complete plan for the future, you can prevent this and protect your beneficiaries.
If you’re incapacitated in any way, a power of attorney can also ensure that loved ones can make decisions on your behalf. When gifting yourself estate planning, you can choose to do so in conjunction with POA documents and trusts.
Protect Your Children’s Inheritance
Parents want the best for their children, especially after they’ve passed away. They want to ensure that their kids will have a fulfilling life. This usually includes passing down homes, assets, and family businesses. When you gift yourself estate planning, you’re also giving your family a gift that will last a lifetime. You can have confidence that your loved ones will be taken care of after you pass away by having a strong plan in place.
Finally Get the Task Off Your To-Do List
Many people talk about writing up a will for years without taking action. Why? Most of the time, they don’t want to think about the inevitability of death. It can be unsettling to think about how life will proceed after you’re gone. However, most people do want to accomplish the task at some point.
Have you ever felt a sense of fulfillment after checking off a difficult item from your to-do list? It’s likely you also felt relieved and grateful once it was done. Accomplishing major goals is a great feeling, especially during the holidays. Other gifts get used or discarded in a few years. Gifting yourself estate planning is a better choice because it’s permanent. While you may have to update your will eventually, getting the process started will take a massive weight off your shoulders.
Interested in Gifting Yourself Estate Planning This Year? At Atkinson Law, We’ll Take Care of You Like Family
At Atkinson Law, we listen to all our clients and protect their interests so they can receive a positive legal outcome. We’ll work with you and give you the best possible recommendation for your future. To learn more about gifting yourself estate planning, contact us today by calling (410) 882-9595 or visiting our website.